Lipset, Seymour Martin

Political man : the social bases of politics / Seymour Martin Lipset. -- - Garden City : Anchor books, 1963. - xxxvi, 477 p.

Inclui índice

Chapter 1. The sociology of politics Part I - The conditions of the democratic order -- The intelectual background -- Class conflict and consensus: Marx and tocqueville -- Bureaucracy and democracy: Weber and Michels -- Contemporary research Chapter 2. Economic development and democracy -- Economic development in Europe and the Americas -- Economic development and the class struggle -- The politics of rapid economic development Chapter 3. Social conflict, legitimacy, and democracy -- Legitimacy and effectiveness -- Legitimacy and conflict -- Systens of government -- Contemporary challenges: Communism and nationalism Chapter 4. Working-class authoritarianism -- Democracy and the lower classes -- Extremist religions and the lower classes -- The social situation of the lower classes -- Lower-class perspectives -- Making of an Authoritarian -- Extremism as an alternative: A test of a hypothesis -- Historical patterns and democratic Action Chapter 5. "Fascism" - Left, right, and center -- "Fascism" and the middle class -- Germany -- Austria -- France -- Italy -- The united states: McCarthyism as populist extremism -- Peronism-the "Fascism" of the lower class -- The social bases of fascism Part II - Voting in western democracies Chapter 6. Elections: Who votes and who doesn't? -- The relevance of government policies -- Access to information -- Group pressure to vote -- Cross-pressures Chapter 7. Elections: The expression of the democratic? -- Class struggle -- Left voting: A response to group needs -- Social conditions affecting left voting Chapter 8. Elections: The expression of the democratic -- Class struggle-countinuity and change -- Generations and political behavior -- The historical background of voting patterns Part III - Political behavior in american society Chapter 9. Classes and parties in American Politics -- Party policies determined by party supporters -- Upper-class liberalism -- The effect of one-party states -- The nationalization of politics Chapter 10. American Intellectuals: Their politics and status -- The historic leftism of american intellectuals -- Sources of liberalism -- The real status of the intellectuals -- Intellectuals vs. an intelligentsia -- The problem of numbers -- Intellectuals in politics -- Anti-intellectualism and american values -- The Move to the right Chapter 11. The emergence of the one-party south-the -- Election of 1860 Part IV - The politicsof private governament: A case study Chapter 12. The political process in trade-unions -- The need for bureaucracy -- Communications within unions -- The monopoly on political skills -- The social status of union leaders -- Membership participation -- Time-line factors -- Value systems A personal postscript Chapter 13. The end of ideology?

Texto completo em inglês.

Democracia--Estados Unidos
Eleições--(subd. geog.)
Ciência Política