Health care reform in the nineties - California : Sage, 1994 - 306 p.

1- Health system reform in the United States: introduction - Pauline Vaillancourt Rosenau 2- National health systems throughout the world: lessons for health system reform in the United States - Milton I. Roemer Should single-payer advocates support president Clinton's proposal for health care reform? - E.Richard Brown Managing the contradictions in the Clinton health plan - Dan E. Beauchamp A way to achieve national health insurance in the United States: the medicare expansion proposal - Michael D. Intriligator Health care reform: a public health perspective - Joyce C. Lashof Reinventing public health: president Clinton's health security act - Philip R. Lee Equity, acessibility, and ethical issues: is the U.S health care reform debate asking the right questions? - Lu Ann Aday Federalism and health care reform - Colleen M. Grogan Defining a role for states in a federal health care system - Russell L. Hanson Institutional change and the health politics of the nineties - Mark A. Peterson American business and health care reform - Linda A. Bergthold Managing national health reform: business and the politics of policy innovation - Cathie Jo Martin Health care reform: a labor perspective - J. Peter Nixon Older americans and health care reform in the nineties - Robert H. Binstock When the phoenix rises, where will she go? The women's health agenda Assuring access to health care for homeless people under national health care - Michael R. Cousineau Health system reform in the nineties

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