Hayward, Jack

Governing from the centre : core executive coordination in France / por Jack Hayward e Vicent Wright. -- - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002. - 291 p.

Part I - The complexities of French core executive coordination 1 - The French context of coordination: a fractured indivisible republic 2 - The normative, political, and administrative frameworks 3 - Hierarchical and horizontal coordination: the central actors 4 - Vertical fragmentation: the spending ministries PartII - Sectoral policy coordination: four case studies 5 - European union coordination and the core executive 6 - Budget coordination and the core executive 7 - Tactical privatisation: changing the mix in a mixed economy 8 - Coordinating the response to immigration pressures: an unending quest 9 - Overall coordination: the impracticable imperative


Poder Executivo
Estudo de Caso
Estudos de Política
Processos Orçamentais