James, Simon

British government : a reader in policy making / por Simon James. -- - Londres : Routledge, 1997. - 221 p.

1 - The actors 1.a The civil service 1.b Ministers 1.c The Prime Minister 1.d The cabinet and its committees 1.e The European Union 1.f Pressure groups and policy communities 2 - Initiating policy 2.a Policy initiated by the government 2.b Policy initiated from outside 3 - Inside the 'black box' 3.a Ministers and civil servants 3.b Co-ordination and conflict between ministers 3.c The Prime Minister and policy conflict 4 - External influences on policy 4.a The European Union 4.b The politics of influence 4.c Public campaigns 5 - Impplementation and policy review 5.a Implementing policy 6 - Legislation, legitimisation and control: parliament and the courts 6.a Party control 6.b The house of commons 6.c The house of lords 6.d Control by the courts: judicial review


Elaboração de Políticas - Inglaterra
Políticas Públicas
Estudo de Caso
Estudos de Política
Agente de Mudança