Cases in public management - 4. ed - Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1983 - 361 p.

Part one: organizational The FAA, the army, and airspace Two models for organizing Dilemma in juvenile court A case of departmental custody City hall got the message Dealing with the permanent bureaucracy Shifting the costs of governance Part two: bargaining and negotiations The transfer of turkey stadium Dilemmas of economic development Middle management ignored Vacation policy grievance Who staffs the hospital? Intransigence and inertia Part three: personnel issues A supervisor for unit II An exercise in classifying positions and moving people Office of personnel and labor relations Performance evaluation and organizational rigidity Sick finances, sick leave Mary P. Smith Jayne's baby Dr. Young's decision Who (or what) killed the crown prince? In pursuit of personnel papers Alcoholism: the silent personnel problem Betty Davis, supervisor Supersystem comes and goes Part four: policies and procedures A matter of evaluation Integrating headquarters and the field Metropolitan emergency medical services Constituency building Fred W. Quigley Federal medical center A positive stroke goes awry Part five: supervisory problems The making of a corrections officer The new court clerk's dilemma "Keep a 2 versus 4 behind your desk" "Stop having birthdays Conflict on the human services coordination team One supervisor's analysis An office romance Carl the ripper Part six: personal and ethical dilemmas One perspective on hillsdale tower A tiger in the planning section Holding on while fading out Two views of a dilemma On lobbying techniques Anna Lieberman, deceased A zealous city employee The report "For better or worse" Ann's dilemma Learning the ropes The myth of the monterey mafia "There is no such thing as a free ride" The outsider Delilah's in-basket


Estudo de Caso
Gestão de Pessoas
Gestão de Projetos
Administração Estratégica
Relações de Trabalho
América do Norte
Estados Unidos