Ingraham, Patricia W.

New paradigms for government : issues for the changing public service - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass , 1994 - 352 p. - The Jossey-Bass Public Administration .

I - Understanding the activities of government organizations and challenges of change 1 - Managing on the frontiers of knowledge: the learning organization - Donald F. Kettl 2 - Implications of contracting out: new roles for the hollow state - H. Brinton Milward 3 - Creating government that encourages innovation - Paul C. Light 4 - Reinvention and employee rights: the role of the courts - Phillip J. Cooper 5 - Rethinking public personnel administration - Hal G. Rainey II - Managing change effectively in public organizations 6 - Administrative theory, political power and government reform - David H. Rosenbloom, Bernard H. Ross 7 - The expanding partnership between personnel management and the courts - Rosemary O'Leary 8 - Revitalizing employee ties with public organizations - James L. Perry 9 - Reinventing the senior executive service - Ronald P. Sanders 10 - Rethinking public employment structures and strategies - Lois Recascino Wise III - Governance and the public service 11 - Issues of accountability in flexible personnel systems - Barbara S. Romzek 12 - New visions of government and the public service


Mudança Organizacional
Setor Público
Serviço Público
Aprendizagem Organizacional
Empresa Pública
Reforma Administrativa
Alta Administração Pública
Modelo de Gestão
Teoria Administrativa
Agente de Mudança