CONNELL, Lenahan O'

Emergent accountability in state - local relations : some lessons from solid waste policy in kentucky - Thousand Oaks : SAGE, September 2006

Applying Kearns's concept of the "accountability environment, " this study of a reform of solid waste policy finds that the relationship between the state and local jurisdictions can best be described as structured by mechanisms of emergent accountability. After distinguishing hierarchical from emergent accountability, the author tests the following hypothesis: Under a structure of emergent accountability, progress toward a stated goal will be partial, as initial success plateaus short of full attainment. The findings support the hypothesis. It is recommended that future research on accountability relate the structure of the accountability environment to the level of outcomes achieved

Prestação de Contas
Forma de Estado
Administração Federal
Administração Municipal
Administração Estadual
Tomada de Decisão