The relevance of Keynesian economic policies today - New York : St. Martin's, 1997 - 220 p.

The macroeconomic effects of taxation in a federal Europe - Douglas Mair and Anthony J. Laramie New scale and scope for industrial policies in the 1990s - Bruno Amable and Pascal Petit Industrial policies and the macroeconomic effects of taxation: some comments - Johan Deprez "Socialization of investment" and "Euthansia of the rentier": the relevance of keynesian policy ideas for the contemporary US economy - Robert Pollin Globalisation, polarisation and US policy activism - Gary A. Dymski Differences in economic performance: some comments on Pollin and Dymski - Harald Hagemann The viability of keynesian demand management in an open economy context - Paul Davidson Uneven development and the destabilisation of the north: a keynesian view - James K. Galbbraith Creative destruction or regressive stagnation? Comments on Davidson and Galbraith - Jonathan Michie The relevance of keynesian policies in semi-industralised countries: theoretical issues and an empirical illustration - Amitava Krishna Dutt International markets and open economy macroeconomics: a keynesian view - E. V. K. FitzGerald Keynesian policy in disarticulated economies - Laurence Harris

Teoria Econômica
Economia Keynesiana
Política Econômica
Política de Emprego
Política Industrial
País em Desenvolvimento