Governing Australia : studies in contemporary rationalities of government / editado por Mitchell Dean e Barry Hindess. -- - Cambridge : Cambridge University, 1998. - 275 p.

1. Introduction: government, liberalism, society. - 2. Corporatising education. - 3. Ethics in the service of the state. - 4. Bad habits or bad conscience? Sexual harassment in the australian defence force. - 5. Admnistering asceticism: reworking the ethical life of the unemployed citizen. - 6. Dangerous individuals: government and the concept of personality. - 7. The constitution of AIDS in Australia: taking government at a distance' seriously. - 8. Governing queens: gay communities and the state in contemporary Australia. - 9. Indigenous governance. - 10. Governing material Culture. - 11. 'The mutable minds of particular men': The emergence of 'economic science' and contemporary economic policy. - 12. Neo-Liberalism and the national economy. - 13. Interpreting contemporary contractualism. - 14. Uncivil society: liberal goverment and the deconfessionalisation of politics.


Política de Governo
Políticas Públicas
Política Econômica
Política de Saúde
Política Social
Grupo Social
Povo Indígena