Wilkinson, Richard G

The impact of inequality : how to make sick societies healthier - New York : The New, 2005 - 355 p.

1. Affluent societies Material success, social failure 2. Inequality More hostile, less sociable societies 3. Anxieties and insecurities The eyes of others 4. Health and inequality Shorter, stressful lives 5. Violence and inequality Status, stigma, and respect 6. Cooperation or conflict? Inequality names the game 7. Gender, race, and inequality Kicking Down 8. Evolved social strategies Mutuality and dominance 9. Liberty, equality, fraternity Economic democracy


Sociedade Contemporânea
Aspecto Social
Aspecto Econômico
Aspecto Político
Aspecto Cultural
Política Social
Política de Saúde
Análise Comparativa