Revisiting Waldo's administrative state : constancy and change in public administration / editado por David H. Rosenbloom e Howard E. McCurdy. -- - Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University, 2007. - 233 p. - Public Management and Change .

1. Introduction: Dwight Waldo's the administrative state - David H. Rosenbloom and Howard E. McCurdy 2. The material background - Donald F. Kettl 3. The cultural and ideological background - Howard E. McCurdy 4. The criteria of action - Norma M. Riccucci 5. Who should rule? Patricia W. Ingraham 6. The separation of powers - David H. Rosenbloom 7. The thinning of administrative institutions - Larry D. Terry 8. Competition for human capital - John Cadigan 9. Business and government - Barbara S. Romzek 10. Institutional values and the future administrative state - Robert F. Durant 11. Conclusion: additional notes on the present tendencies - Howard E. McCurdy and David H. Rosenbloom


Reforma Administrativa - Estados Unidos
Mudança Organizacional
Administração Federal
Política de Governo
Ciência Política