The information resources policy handbook : research for the information age - London : MIT, 1999 - 631 p.

Evergreen: 1 - Telling ripe from hype in multimedia: the ecstasy and the agony 2 - Will computer communication end geography? II - New age technology Evergreen: 3 - A convergence of form and function: compunications technologies 4 - Understanding computers and communications 5 - Understanding digital 6 - Standards: the rough road to the common byte III - Information as a resource Evergreen: 7 - Building blocks and bursting bundles 8 - Publishing as a creature of technology 9 - Communications - for better or for worse IV - The information business Evergreen 10 - Charting change: the harvard information business map 11 - Size, growth, and trends of the information industries 12 - Managing information: back to basics 13 - Knowledge as a strategic business resource 14 - New competition and new media V - Information policy Evergreen: 15 - Information and comunications policy research - more important, more neglected 16 - Policies for freedom 17 - Regulating communications in the 21st century: new common ground 18 - FCC Reform: does governing require a new standard? 19 - Cybercommunities and cybercommerce: can we learn to cope? 20 - Cyberrules: problems and prospects for on-line commerce 21 - Political gridlock on the information highway 22 - Information resources in the 21st century

Sociedade da Informação
Gestão Tecnológica
Gestão da Informação
Sociedade Contemporânea
Tecnologia da Informação