TCU evaluation of the Bolsa Família (Family Grant) program = evaluación del TCU sobre el programa Beca-Familia - Brasília : TCU, 2005 - 29 p. - Executive Summaries ; 21 .

Texto bilíngue

11 Bolsa-Família (Family Grant) Program 12 What was evaluated by TCU 13 Why it was evaluated 16 How the work was developed 17 Federal resources allocated to the Project 17 What TCU found? 18 Social control 19 Distribution and use of cards and passwords 20 Other audit findings 21 Best practices identified 21 What can be done to improve the Program's performance 22 Benefits of implementing TCU's recommendations for the Program 23 Decision N. 1.496/2004 - TCU - Plenary

Política Social
Controle Social
Programa Social
Controle de Gestão
