Thomas, John Clayton

Public participation in public decisions : new skills and strategies for public managers / por John Clayton Thomas. -- - Califórnia. EUA : Jossey-Bass, 1995. - 211 p. - The Jossey-Bass Public Administration .

1 - The challenge of the new public involvement 2 - Finding a practical approach to public involvement 3 - First steps in public participation 4 - Defining the relevant publics 5 - Sharing decision-making authority with the public 6 - Involving the public for information only 7 - Involving the public to build acceptance 8 - Building strong relationships with citizens 9 - New forms of public involvement 10 - Public involvement and the effective public manager Appendix A - Testing and refining the effective decision model Appendix B - Public involvement cases


Participação Pública
Administração Pública - Participação Cidadã
Gestão Participativa
Participação Política