Teaching and the case method : text, cases, and readings - 3. ed - Boston : Harvard Business School, 1987 - 333 p.

I. Teaching and the case method: premises and practices II. The seminar program Section 1. Teaching and the case method of discussion: opportunities, dilemmas, and risks Section 2. The roles, responsibilities, and skills of the case discussion leader Section 3. Establishing, monitoring, and modifying a teaching/learning contract Section 4. Questioning, listening and responding: the key skill requirements Section 5. The critical instructional choice: guidance vs. control Section 6. The case discussion leader in action: operational challenges and opportunities Section 7. Ethical dilemmas and the case discussion process III. Improving current practice: reflection and reappraisal


Capacitação Profissional
Aprendizagem Organizacional
Estudo de Caso
Ensino Superior