RILEY, Dennis D.

Bureaucracy and the policy process : keeping the promises - Oxford : Rowan & Littlefield, 2006 - 398 p.

1 - Promises, promises: the why and how of bureaucracy 2 - The individual bureaucrat: somebody has to do all that work 3 - Structure: we've got to get organized 4 - Some agencies are more powerful than others: expertise, politics, and agency power 5 - Bureaucracy and the presidency: hail to the chief "sort of" 6 - Bureaucracy and the congress: the committees you shall always have with you - unless they end up being against you 7 - Bureaucracy and the public: suppoters, critics, and hey, where's the rest of Us? 8 - Bureaucracy and the law: sworn to uphold 9 - Bureaucracy and the courts: judicial review of agency action 10 - The environmental protection agency: our better angels or promisse breakers


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