Swiss, James E.

Public management systems : monitoring and managing government performance / por James E. Swiss. -- - Nova Jersey, EUA : Prentice Hall, 1991. - 374 p. : il.

Section 1 - An overview 1 - An overview of public management systems Section 2 - input-oriented systems 2 - Tracking inputs: financial management systems Section 3 - Output - oriented management systems 3 - Management by objetives 4 - Political effects of MBO 5 - Performance monitoring systems 6 - Further topics in performance monitoring systems Section 4 - Linking management systems to other systems 7 - Connecting budgetary systems to management systems 8 - Connecting rewards to management systems 9 - Structure as a management tool: links to management systems 10 - Connecting productivity improvement efforts to management systems Section 5 - Installing management systems 11 - Installing a management systems Afetrword: the future of management systems Glossary: key management system terms Index


Sistemas de Gestão Pública
Gestão de Desempenho