Governance and regulation in the third sector : international perspectives - New York : Routledge, 2012 - 285 p. - Routledge studies in the management of voluntary and non-profit organizations ; n. 13 .

1. Between governance and regulation: evolving government-third sector relationships - Susan D. Phillips and Steven Rathgeb Smith 2. The case of England and Wales: Striking the right balance of 'Hard' law versus 'Soft' law - Debra Morris 3. Third sector regulation in post - devolution Scotland: Kilting the Charity Cuckoo - Patrick Ford 4. Between relational governance and regulation of the Third Sector: The Irish Case - Gemma Donnelly-Cox and Siobhan Mcgee 5. Creeping marketization and post - corporatist governance: The transformation of State - Nonprofit relations in continuental Europe - Ingo Bode 6. Government-Nonprofit sector relations in Hungary: aspirations, efforts and impacts - Éva Kuti 7. Gatekkeper governance: The European Union and civil society Organizations - Alison Dunn 8. The Governament-Nonprofit relationship in the US: new challenges and possibilities - Steven Rathgeb Smith 9. Incrementalism at its best, and worst: regulatory reform and relational governance in Canada - Susan D. Phillips 10. Australia: a continuing love affair winth the new public management - Mark Lyons and Bronwen Dalton 11. Global perspectives on the legal framework for civil society and relational governance - Douglas Rutzen


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