Moving beyond the crisis = Pour dépasser la crise : reclaiming and reaffirming our common administrative space = un espace administratif commun - Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2013 - 485 p. - Public administration today = Administration publique aujourd'hui .

Introduction. La notion d’espace administratif – Gérard Timsit I. L’espace administratif européen et ses implications : le cas du professionnalisme de la fonction publique dans les pays d’Europe continentale – Stavroula Ktistaki II. La Gestión del espacio público latinoamericano: una responsabilidad compartida – José R. Castelazo III. Ideological differences in administrative reform: the current demotion of public service in key anglo-american democracies – Gerald E. Caiden IV. Ideological differences in administrative reform behind the hollowing out of the administrative state - Gerald E. Caiden V. Towards professionalism in Africa’s public service : professionalising human resources management in the public sector – John-Mary Kauzya VI. Transition in the governance of the Arab states – Jamil E. Jreisat VII. Restoring professionalism to South Asian public services in a global context – O.P Dwivedi and D.S. Mishra VIII. Administrative space in East Asia – Pan Suk Kim, Masao Kikuchi and Martin Painter IX. Globalism and constellational governance: challenges for service in the global public interest – Ian Thynne and Andrew Massey’ X. Pulling the threads together: an exit from the crisis restoring public trust with public service professionalism – Demetrios Argyriades


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