Public service pay determination and pay systems in OECD countries - Paris : OECD, 1994 - 94 p. - Public Management. Occasional Papers ; 2 .

Public service pay determination Diversity of systems and procedures Collective bargaining Independent pay commissions Employer pay fixing without predetermined rules Employer pay fixing according to set rules The influence of national industrial relations systems Two strategies for adaptation of public sector pay systems The maintenance of national systems Variation for local labour market conditions Updating national pay scales Joint regulation and structural change Public service pay and job classification sustems "Implicit contracts" and public service pay systems Job classification and pay scales Rules for pay progression Prevalence of length-of-service increments Economic and organisational reasons for the importance of length of service Pay as a "stipend" Absence of competition Moves away from pay for grade and length of service Performance-related pay and the search for greater efficiency Performance-related pay and motivation Performance-related pay and payment drift Self-financing performance-related pay Conclusion: the reform of public sector pay


Gestão de Pessoas
Empresa Pública
Setor Público
Avaliação de Desempenho
Serviço Público
Contrato Público
Política Salarial
Carreira Pública
Negociação Coletiva
Relações de Trabalho
Estudo de Caso
Análise Comparativa