Political science : the state of the discipline II / editado por Ada W. Finifter. -- - Washington D.C : American Political Science Associantion, 1993. - 535 p. :

Inclui bibliografia.

Theory and Method 1 Texts and Canons: the status of the "Great Books" in political science. -- Arlene W. Saxohouse 2 Political theory in the 1980s: perplexity amidst diversity. -- William Galston 3 Feminist challenges to political science. -- Susan J. Carroll e Linda M. G. Zerilli 4 Formal Rational choice theory: A cumulative science of politics. -- David Lalman, Joe Oppenheimer e Piotr Swistak 5 The comparative method. -- David Collier 6 The state of quantitative political methodology. -- Larry M. bATELRS E hENRY e. Brasy Political Processs and Individual Political Behavior 7 Comparative Political Parties: research and theory. -- Kenneth Janda 8 The not so simple act of voting. -- Russell J. Dalton e Martin ´. Wattenberg 9 The new look in plubic opinion research. -- Paul M. Sniderman 10 Expanding disciplinary boundaries: black, latino, and racial minority group politics in political science. -- Paula D. McClain and John A. Garcia 11 Citizens, Contexts, and politics. -- Robert Huckfeldt and John Sprague 12 Political communication: scope, progress, promise. -- Doris Graber Political Intitutions of the State 13 Legislatures: individual purpose and Institutional performance. -- Michael L. Mezey 14 Public law and judicioal politics. -- Martin Shapiro 15 Political executives and their officials. - Colin Campbell, S.J. 16 Public administration: the state of the field. -- Donald F. Kettl Nations and Their Relationships 17 Comparative politics. -- Ronald Rogowski 18 Global political economy. -- James A. Caporaso 19 Political Conflict, war, and peace. -- Jacek Kugler


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