The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research / Edição, Normam K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln. -- - 5. ed. - United States of America: Sage, 2018. - xx, 968 p.

Inclui bibliografia e índice

1. Introdução The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research - Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S Lincoln Part I - Locating the Field 2. A history of qualitative inquiry in Social and Educational Resarch - Frederick Erickson -- 3. Ethics and Politics i in Qualitative research - Clifford G. Christians -- 4. Ethics, Reserch Regulations, and Critical Social Science - Gaile S. Cannella and Yvonna S. Lincoln Part II - Paradigms and Perspectives in Contention 5. Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging confluences, revisited - Yvonna S. Lincoln, Susan A. Lynham, Egon G. Guba -- 6. Feminist qualitative research in the millennium's first decade: Developments, challenge, prospects - Virginia Olesen -- 7. Feminist qualitative research: Emerging lines of inquiry - Marjorie L. DeVault -- 8. Critical race theory and the postracial imaginary - Jamel K. Donnor, Gloria Ladson-Billinsg -- 9. Doing indigenous methodologies: A letter to a research class - Margeret Kovach -- 10. Critical pedagogy and qualitative research: Advancing the Bricolage - Joe L. Kincheloe, Peter McLaren, Shirley R. Steinberg, Lilia D. Monzó -- 11. Methodologies for cultural and social studies in an Age of new technologies - Paula Saukko -- 12. Queer/Quare theory: Worldmaking and Methodologies - Bryant Keith Alexander Part III - Strategies of Inquiry 13. The marketization of research: Implications for qualitative inquiry - Julianne Cheek -- 14. Case study methodology - Thomas A. Schwandt, Emily F. Gates -- 15. Performance Ethnography - Judith Hamera -- 16. Ethnodrama and Ethnotheatre: Research as performance - Johnny Saldaña -- 17. Advancing a constructionist analytics - James A. Holstein -- 18. Evolving Grounded theory and social jsutice inquiry - Kathy Charmaz, Robert Thornberg, Elaine Keane -- 19. Triangulation - Uwe Flick -- 20. D...a...t...a, Data++, Data, and Some Problematics - Mirka Koro-Ljundberg, Maggie MacLure, Jasmine Ulmer -- 21. In the name of human rights: I say (How) you (Should) speak (Before I Listen) - Antije Krog -- 22. Critical Participantory Action Research on State violence: Bearing Wit(h)ness Across Fault Lines of Power, Privilege, and Dispossession - María Elena Torre, Brett G. Stoudt, Einat Manoff, Michelle Fine Part IV - Methods of Collecting and Analyzing Empirical Materials 23. Observation in a Surveilled World - Jack Bratich -- 24. Narrative inquiry: Toward Theoretical and Methodologival Maturity - Susan E. Chase -- 25. Critica Arts-Based inquiry: Performances os Resistance Politics - Susan Finley -- 26. The interview - Svend Brinkmann -- 27. Visual Research - Eric Margolis, Renu Zunjarwad -- 28. Autoethnography and the other: Performative Embodiment and a bid for utopia - Tami Spry -- 29. Ethnography in the digital internet era: From fields to flows, descriptions to interventions - Annette N. Markham -- 30. Analyzing talk and text - Anssi Perakyla, Johanna Ruusuvuori -- 31. Focus Group research and/in figured worlds - George Kamberelis, Greg Dimitriadis, Alyson Welker -- 32. Thinking with theory: A new analytic for qualitative inquiry - Alecia Y. Jackson, Lisa A. Mazzei -- 33. Creating a space in between: Collaborative inquiries - Jonathan Wyatt, Ken Gale, Susanne Gannon, Bronwyn Davies (JKSB) Part V - The Art and Practices of Interpretation, Evaluation, and Representation 34. Evidance, Criteria, policy, and politics: The debate about quality and utility in educational and social research - Harry Torrance -- 35. Reframing Rigor in qualitative inquiry - Janice Morse -- 36. Writing: A method of inquiry - Laurel Richardson, Elizabeth Adams St. Pierre -- 37. The elephant in the living room, or extending the conversation about the politics of evidence - Norman K. Denzin -- 38. Braiding Narrative Ethnography with memoir and creative nonfiction - Barbara Tedlock -- 39. Qualitative Evaluation: Methods, Ethics, and Politics with Stakeholders - Peter Dahler-Larsen Part VI - The future of qualitative research 40. Qualitative research and global audit culture: The politics of productivity, Accountability and Possibility - Marc Spooner -- 41. Critical issues for qualitative research - David A. Westbrook -- 42. Epilogue: Toward a "Refunctioned Ethnography" - Yvonna S. Lincoln, Norman K. Denzin


Pesquisa Qualitativa