Quality improvement in european public services : concepts, cases and commentary - London : SAGE, 1995 - 190 p.

Part one: definition and operationalization Defining quality - Christopher Pollit and Geert Bouckaert Measuring quality - Geert Bouckaert Part two: case studies Quality measurement and quality assurance in european higher education - Frans van Vught and Don F. Westerheijden Quality in the french public service - Sylvie Trosa Quality improvement in german local government - Helmut Klages et al Quality improvement in local contracts: environmental services in harlow - Lucy Gaster Quality in swedish higher education: a pilot study - Hellen Westlund Costing non-conformance at an NHS hospital: a pilot study - Richard Joss Quality improvement in the dutch department of defence - Nico Mol Enhancing quality in the police service: leicestershire constabulary - Stephen Hanney Part three: overview Improvement strategies - Christopher Pollitt Concluding reflections - Geert Bouckaert

Serviço Público
Estudo de Caso

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