Carroll, Barbara Wake

Service in the field : the world of front-line public servants / por Barbara Wake Carroll e David Siegel. -- - Montreal, CA : McGill-Queen's University , 1999. - 251 p. : il. - Canadian Public Administration Series .

1 - Who are these people and what do they do? 2 - The research described 3 - How we do things around here 4 - Service to the public 5 - The workplace environment 6 - Two solitudes or one big happy family? dealing with head office 7 - Administrative reform: how it plays in the field 8 - Bureaucrats are people too 9 - Where do we go from here? implications for implementation and management theory


Servidores Públicos - Canadá
Serviço Público - Canadá
Agente Público
Reforma Administrativa
Comunicação Pública