Business driven action learning : global best practices - London : Macmillan Press, 2000 - 264 p.

1 - Business driven action learning: multinational company experiences DaimlerChrysler: global leadership development using action- oriented and distance-learning techniques - Wolfgang Braun Dow: sustaining change and accelerating growth through business focused learning - Pierre Guillon, Robert Kasprzyk and Jeannine Sorge DuPont: business driven action learning to shift company direction - Victoria M. Legros and Paula S. Topolosky General Electric's executive action learning programmes - Stephen Mercer Heineken, Shell et al: twenty years of consortium action learning - Gordon L. Lackie Hoffman la Roche and Boehringer Mannheim: mission impossible? - executive development during a takeover - Wolfgang Kissel IBM: using business driven action learning in a turnaround - Ron Hosta Johnson & Johnson: executive development and strategic business solutions through action learning - Ron Bossert Motorola: combining business projects with learning projects - Kenneth H. Hansen Philips and action learning: from training to transformation - Nigel J. Freedman Scancem: 'what did we earn and learn? emerging markets and business driven action learning - Miko Weidemanis and Yury Boshyk Siemens management learning: a highly integrated model to align learning processes with business needs - Matthias Bellmann Volkswagen: action learning and the development of high potentials - Guy Mollet 2 - Facilitating and enhancing business-driven action learning: guidelines on coodination and teamwork Strategic management by project group: lessons learned - Colin Hastings General Electric executive learning programmes: checklist and tools for action learning teams - Stephen Mercer Facilitating leadership development through high performance teamwork - Mary Rose Greville Executive team facilitation: some observations - Tom E. Ollerman Organising the external business perspective: the role of the country coordinator in action learning programmes - Patricia Levy 'Learning the hard way': creating an executive development opportunity for learning and reflection - Nigel Barrett

Desenvolvimento Organizacional
Capacitação Profissional
Administração da Educação
Implementação de Programas
Programas de Ensino
Técnicas Administrativas
Inovações Administrativas
Empresas Industriais
Empresas Multinacionais
Estratégia Administrativa