The future of merit : twenty years after the civil service reform act - Washington : The Woodrow Wilson Center , 2000 - 268 p.

Introduction: merit and the civil service reform act - Douglas A. Brook Part one: the changing role of the civil service Chapter onde: government legitimacy and the role of the civil service - James P. Pfiffner Chapter two: what was behind the 1978 civil service reform? - Dwight ink Chapter three: the national performance review as implicit evaluation of CSRA: building on or overturning the legacy? - Carolyn Ban Chapter four: senior executives in a changing political environment - Joel D. Aberbach and Bert A. Rockman Part two: performance, incentives, and accountability Chapter five: evolving dimensions of performance from the CSRA onward - Patricia W. Ingraham and Donald P. Moynihn Chapter six: civil service reform and incentives in the public service - Hal G. Rainey and J. Edward Kellough Chapter seven: accountability implications of civil service reform - Barbara S. Romzek Part three: the future of merit Chapter eight€ onto the darkling plain: globalization and the american public service in the twenty-first century - Mark W. Huddleston Chapter nine: politics of transition from the administrative to the facilitative state - Chester A. Newland Chapter ten: the future of merit - Hugh Heclo


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