KEARNEY, Richard C

Labor relations in the public sector - 3 ed - New York : Marcel Dekker, Inc, 2001 - 390 p. - Public Administration and Public Policy ; 85 .

History and background The unions today The legal environment of public sector relations Fundamentals of the bargaining process The process and politics of public sector collective bargaining financial impacts of unions and collective bargaining Union impacts: personnel and policies Strike Resolving impasses: alternatives to the strike Living with the contract Public employee unions in the future

Gestão de Pessoas no Setor Publico
relacoes Trabalhistas
Direito Administrativo
Estabilidade Trabalhista
Politica Salarial
Tamanho do Estado
Negociacao Coletiva
Funcao Publica
Direito Publico
Conflito de Trabalho