Prowle, Malcolm

The changing public sector : a practical management guide / por Malcolm Prowle. -- - Aldershot : Gower, 2000. - 261 p. : il.

Part I: the UK public sector: structure and trends. - 1. Introduction. - 2. Organization of the public sector. - 3. Public sector trends. - Part II: public sector management approaches. - 4. Strategic management in the public sector. - 5. Financial management in the public sector. - 6. Human resource management in the public sector. - 7. Marketing and public relations in the public sector. - 8. Managing quality and consumer satisfaction in the public sector. - 9. Management of information technology in the public sector. - Part III: public sector management in the future. - 10. Shaping the public sector into the future. - 11. Implications for public sector management.


Setor Público
Administração Estratégica
Gestão Financeira
Gestão de Pessoas
Relações Públicas
Tecnologia da Informação