Social security in the 21st century - New York : Oxford University Press, 1997 - 313 p.

An overview of social security The social insurance approach and social security - Lawrence H. Thompson and Melinda M. Upp Why government intervention? Characteristics of potential forms of government response Objectives Interactions of approaches and objectives The historical development of social security in the United States - Edward D. Berkowitz The social security act of 1935 The struggle for survival Incremental expansion and debates over disability and health care The age of reconsidration Social security issues Should social security be means-tested? - Eric R. Kingson and James H. Schulz The nation rejects means-testing Emergence of the new means-testing approach Arguments for the new means-testing aproach Arguments against the new means-testing Are social security benefits too high or too low? - Marilyn Moon The historical context Social security and the needs of its beneficiaries intergenerational comparisons other complicating factors Are returns on payroll taxes fair? - Karen C. Holden Defining Fairness Judging fairness by the legal treatment of women in social security Judging fairness by the outcomes for women under social security Assessing reforms against program goals and ethics Caregiving and benefit outcomes Disability why does the search for good programs continue? - Jerry L. Mashaw Anxieties of cautions benevolence Whither disability policy? Does social security discourage work? - Jill Quadagno and Joseph Quinn Postwar retirement trends Why americans retire when they do Why retirement incentives exist Retirement in the future How does social security affect the economy? - Edward M. Gramlich Microeconomic distortions Economic competitiveness Saving and investment Promoting higher living standards Implications What economic rle for the trust funds? - Barry Bosworth Funding problems Pay-as-you-go versus funded programs the benefits of increased saving Funding social security The effct on national saving Management of the OASDI fund Quantitative magnitudes Strong support but low confidence what xplains the contradiction? Virginia P. Reno and Robert B. Friedland Historical overview of public support, policy development, and confidence Public understanding, support, and confidence Low confidence in social security Social security politics and the conflict between generations are we asking the right questions? - Theodore R. Marmor, Fay Lomax Cook, and Stephen Scher The american politics of exaggeration The crisis of the welfare state The conflict between the old and young over social security The divisive issues of generational equity Will social security be there for me? - Robert J. Myers Reasons for the lack of confidence Possible solutions to the long-run financing problem Why the confidence level should be higher Additional viwes on the issues Adequacy and equity issues: another view - Michael D. Hurd Financing and work issues: another view - Dwight K. Bartlett Institutional and administrative issues - Stanford G. Ross Dedicated payroll tax trustfund accounting and anual public reports transparency and fiduciary responsibilities Investment of scial security reserves Independet and cost-effective administrative structure Supportive political culture Testing of the Institutions The future: alternative perspectives Social security in the 21st century the need for change - C. Eugene Steuerle Basing reform on principles Application of the principles Desigh of reform Bridging the centuries the case for traditional social security - Robert M. Ball with Thomas N. Bethell The nine principles of american social security Conflict over benefit levels Other benefits issues Will social security in the fuure be a good deal? Why the pessimism about the future of the program? Proposals for fundamental change

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