Elcock, Howard

Local government : policy and management in local authorities / por Howard Howard. -- - 3. ed. - London : Routledge, 1994. - 353 p.

1 - Local government and the British political system 2 - The development and reform of local government Part II - The dramatis personae 3 - The local councillor 4 - The integrated roles of members and officers Part III - The provision and delivery of services Introduction 5 - Services to citizens 6 - The police and emergency services 7 - The management of resources Part IV - Planning, management and co-ordination 8 - Planning: the reduction of uncertainty 9 - The rise and rise of public management 10 - Local governance: local authorities and the other local governments 11 - Concluding speculations References Index


Governo Local
Administração Regional
Reforma Administrativa
Administração Central
Grã- Bretanha