Human resources development : experiences, interventions, strategies - New Delhi : Sage Publications, 1996 - 394 p.

The challenge of human resource development Human resource development: concept and background Human resources and economic development Strategic interventions: an overview Strategic interventions in HRD sectors and target groups Health Basic education Adult education Technical and vocational education Higher education Science and technology Environment Empowerment of women Entrepreneurial skills for the poor and unemployed Strategic process interventions for human resource development Using non-governmental organisations Decentralisation and enhancing participation Mobilising resources Enhancing coordination Professionalising government The role of government: priorities and policies

Gestão de Pessoas no Setor Publico
Administração Pública
Administração da Educação
Capacitacao de Pessoal Publico
Capacitacao Gerencial
Instituicao de Capacitacao
Avaliacao da Capacitacao
Modelos de Capacitacao