Bryson, John M.

Creating and implementing your strategic plan : a workbook for public and nonprofit organizations / por John M. Bryson e Farnum K. Alston. -- - Califórnia, EUA : Jossey-Bass, 1996. - 117 p. - The Jossey-Bass public administration .

Part 1 - An overview Introduction The context and process of strategic change Part 2 - Creating and implementing strategic planning: ten key steps Step 1 - Initiate and agree on a strategic planning process Step 2 - Clarify organizational mandates Step 3 - Identify and understand stakeholders; develop and refine mission and values Step 4 - Assess the environment to identify strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats Step 5 - Identify and frame strategic issues Step 6 - Formulate strategies to manage the issues Step 7 - Review and adopt the strategic plan Step 8 - Establish an effective organizational vision for the future Step 9 - Develop an effective implementation process Step 10 - Reassess strategies and the strategic planning process Resources Glossary Bibliography


Gestão Estratégica
Administração Estratégica
Planejamento Estratégico
Empresa Pública
Terceiro Setor