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THE Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital And Organizational Knowledge - Oxford : Oxford University, 2002 - 748 p.

1. Knowledge, intellectual capital, and strategy: Themes and tensions - Chun Wei Choo, Nick Bontis Part I. Knowledge in organizations 2. Market, hierarchy, and trust: The knowledge economy and the future of capitalism - Paul S. Adler 3. Knowledge, knowledge work, and organizations: An overview and interpretation - Frank Blackler 4. The creation and sharing of knowledge - Max Boisot 5. Sensemaking, knowledge creation, and decision making: organizational knowing as emergent strategy - Chun Wei Choo 6. knowledge, context, and the management of varaition - Charles Despres, Daniele Chauvel Part II. Knowledge-based perspectives of the firm 7. A resource-based theory of the firm: knowledge versus opportunism - Kathleen R. Conner, C.K. Prahalad 8. The knowledge-based view of the firm - Robert M. Grant 9. knowledge, Uncertainty, and an emergency theory of the firm - J.C. Spender 10. From economic theory toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm: conceptual building bloks - Georg Von Krogh, Simon Grand 11. knowledge and learning, markets and organizations: Managing the information transaction space - Ard Huizing, Wim Bouman Part III. Knowledge strategies 12. Replication of organizational routines: conceptualizing the exploitation of knowledge assets - Sidney G. Winter, Gabriel Szulanski 13. Modular product and process architectures: Frameworks for strategic organizational learning - Ron Sanchez 14. Technological and organizational designs for realizing economies of substitution - Raghu Garud, Arun Kumaraswamy 15. Developing a knowledge strategy - Michael H. Zack 16. Aligning human resource management practices and knowledge strategies: A theoretical framework - Paul Bierly III, Paula Daly 17. knowledge and the internet: Lessons from cultural industries - Chong Ju Choi, Anastasios Karamanos Part IV. Knowledge strategy in practice 18. Product sequencing: coevolution of knowledge, capabilities, and products - Constance E. Helfat, Ruth S. Raubitschek 19. Exploration and exploitation as complements - Anne Marie Knott 20. Above and beyond knowledge management - Vincent P. Barabba, John Pourdehnad, Russell L. Ackoff 21. Keeping a butterfly and an elephant in a house of cards: The elements of exceptional success - Willian H. Starbuck 22. Epistemology in action: A framework for understanding organizational due diligence processes - Mihnea Moldoveanu 23. National culture and knowledge sharing in a global learning organization: A case study - Youngjin Yoo, Ben Torrey Part V. Knowledge creation 24. A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation - Ikujiro Nonaka 25. Managing existing knowledge is not enough: Knowledge management theory and practice in Japan - Katsuhiro Umemoto 26. Knowledge exploitation and knowledge exploration: Two strategies for knowledge creating companies - Kazuo Ichijo 27. The role of tacit knowledge in group innovation - Dorothy Leonard, Sylvia Sensiper 28. knowledge creation of global companies - Seija Kulkki Part VI. Knowledge across boundaries 29. Mobilizing knowledge in interorganizational alliances - Harald M. Fischer, Joyce Brown, Joseph F. Porac, James B. Wade, Michael Devaughn, Alaina Kanfer 30. How does knowledge flow? interfirm patterns in the semiconductor industry - Melissa M. Appleyard 31. Opportunity and constraint: Chainto-component transfer learning in multiunit chains of U.S Nursing Homes, 1991-1997 - Will Mitchell, Joel A. C. Baum, Jane Banaszak-Holl, Whitney B. Berta, Dilys Bowman 32. knowledge across boundaries: Managing knowledge in distributed organizations - Claudio U. Ciborra, Rafael Andreu 33. Bridging knowledge gaps: Learning in geographically dispersed cross-functional development teams - Deborah Sole, Amy Edmondson 34. Managing public and private firm knowledge within the context of flexible firm boundaries - Sharon F. Matusik Part VII. Managing intellectual capital 35. Managing organizational knowledge by diagnosing intellectual capital: Framing and advancing the state of the field - Nick Bontis 36. Intellectual capital: An exploratory study that develops measures and models - Nick Bontis 37. Intellectual capital management and disclosure - Steve Pike, Anna Rylander, Goran Roos 38. Social capital, intellectual capital, and the organizational advantage - Janine Nahapiet, Sumantra Ghoshal 39. The role of social capital and organizational knowledge in enhancing entrepreneurial opportunities in high-technology environments - Donna Marie De Carolis 40. Leveraging knowledge through leadership of organizational learning - Mary Crossan, John Hulland Appendix 41. Beyond knowledge management: New ways to work - Brian Hackett


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Escola Nacional de Administração Pública

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