Chipchase, Jan.
Hidden in plain sight : how to create extraordinary products for tomorrow's customers / Jan Chipchase, Simon Steinhardt. - New York: HarperCollins, 2013. - 239 p. 24 cm
1. Crossing state (of mind) lines 2. The social lives of everyday objects 3. Riding the waves of the past, present, and future 4. You are what you carry 5. Calibrating your cultural compass 6. A matter of trust 7. Finding the essence 8. The great tradeoff
Marketing research.
New products.
Consumer behavior.
Hidden in plain sight : how to create extraordinary products for tomorrow's customers / Jan Chipchase, Simon Steinhardt. - New York: HarperCollins, 2013. - 239 p. 24 cm
1. Crossing state (of mind) lines 2. The social lives of everyday objects 3. Riding the waves of the past, present, and future 4. You are what you carry 5. Calibrating your cultural compass 6. A matter of trust 7. Finding the essence 8. The great tradeoff
Marketing research.
New products.
Consumer behavior.