1 - Background and overview Objectives and focus of the book The authors' perceptions Labor relations research, personal preferences, and policy Implications I - Collective bargaining processes 2 - Labor relations contexts The nature of the public sector The economic-financial context The limits of collective bargaining in public employment Bargaining laws as a cause and consequence of the growth of teacher unionism The politics of interest arbitration The political context Does public employee unionism diminish democracy? Federal employee unions and political action 3 - Labor relations structure Bargaining Units Bargaining rights status of public sector supervisors Changing structures of bargaining relationships Union member attitudes and bargaining unit stability in urban transit The potencial for employer and union alliances Multiemployer bargaining among local governments Coalition bargaining in municipal government: the New York city experience 4 - Labor - Management interactions The bargaining process A theory of multilateral collective bargaining in city governments Cooperation and adversarialim Productivity bargaining in New York - What Went Wrong The rise and demise of PATCO Communications: "the rise and demise of PATCO" reconstructed Reply Dualism in public sector bargaining relationships Technological change in the public sector: the case of sanitation service 5 - Dispute resolution The private sector background Public Policy in the public sector The practice of dispute resolution Concluding comments Labor mediation: an exploratory survey The effectiveness of mediation in public sector arbitration systems: the Iowa experience Police interest arbitration: awards and issues The narcotic effect of impasse resolution procedures Selected benefits and costs of compulsory arbitration II - Collective bargaining impacts 6 - Wage impacts of unionism Some normative concerns Governmental wage-setting and budget-making processes Wage determination in the public sector Fiscal stress and labor power The impact of unions on public sector wages Wages and unionism in the public sector: the case of police 7 - Nonwage impacts of unionism Determinants of bargaining outcomes The legislated scope of bargaining The impact of bargaining on management Introducting change in bargaining relationships Bargaining outcomes: An IR System Approach Police union impact on the formulation of law enforcement policy Teacher unions and the productivity of public schools Change and continuity: the role of a labor-management committee in facilitating work force change during retrenchment 8 - Conclusions and future issues The environmental contexts The structure of bargaining The bargaining process Strikes and dispute resolution The outcomes and impacts of bargaining Will the public sector survive? III - Bargaining and grievance exercises Collective bargaining exercise Public sector grievance arbitration exercise
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